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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Today I choose to be happy and to free my mind of negative thoughts. The more we harp on the things that aren't going right around us, the worst we will feel. Challenges will come and we know this. How we react in times of challenges make all the difference. Throughout the day listen to uplifting music or refer to enfluential quote. Ralph Marston has some good ones. Think of things that make you feel good or wear something that makes you feel beautiful. Do anything that keeps your thoughts on POSITIVE!!

Also, let's all make a special effort to surround ourselves around happy, positive people. Some people are so miserable and insecure. Give those type of people some space or else they'll begin to rub off on you and you'll soon be acting in the same manner. Have a great day folks. Stay fabulous!!!

Do something nice for someone today! It will make you feel good!!!


~Meik said...

amen! im tryin to stay positive as well and kick negative mofos to the curb!