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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I haven't posted in over a week. I've been extremely busy. Work has been work. I've just been taking it for what it is; work for someone else! I've realized that I ultimately control my career. Whom I work for is my choice. So now that I realize that, everything else is up to me! End of that story.

 My message for today is for everyone to make an effort to connect with the people around you. We are so consumed with ourselves and our own lives that we don't take time to connect with someone else. For example, take a minute to call a friend that you haven't heard from in a while. That phone call may be very encouraging to your friend. He or she may be going through a tough time and needed to hear from someone positive. Also, be sure to compliment someone EVERYDAY! Compliments go a long way! Don't just comliment a thing that a person has. Compliment the work of someone or the manner in which someone handled a situation! Compliments prove that you are paying attention to someone and that you recognize a strength or something positive about a person. Many times people just need to hear a good word. Let's be the ones to share them! Have a good day folks.