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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Power In Your Passion!

I usually post quotes by a gentleman by the name of Ralph Marston. I love him! He has a great site full of encouraging words and advice at You can follow him on twitter @ralphmarston.

I posted the following quote of Mr. Marston's today in the section of my blog called "Words of Wisdom."

"There's a reason why you love the things you love. That passion can bring incredible power to your efforts. Use it!"

I absolutely love this quote. I have read it over and over today. (Thinking about posting it somewhere in my home.) The message of this quote rings very loud because I believe that I am very close to walking in my purpose. There are just certain things that bring me joy and excitement. I am finding that I truly enjoy helping people. I love it!!! The joy and warmth that I feel from helping others gives me adrenaline to do more and that is exactly what I will do.

I hope that others can understand the message in this quote and begin to identify with those things that you love. So, what do you love to do? Whatever it is, do it and use the power in it to your long as it is something positive!