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Friday, October 9, 2009

Be Careful of Your Thoughts

A few years ago, I read a powerful quote by Frederick Douglass that went something like this: "the things that you continuously focus on will eventually manifest themselves in your life." I've looked all over the internet for the exact wording, but couldn't find anything. I have it posted on my desk at work, so I'll share with you later. But my main point is to remind everyone to be careful about the type of things that we are thinking about. When I first read this quote, it moved me so I typed it up, put it in a frame and put it on my desk. From that day on, I tried to think positively about things going on at work and at home. What I didn't learn until about a year later is that this quote relates to the positive AND negative thoughts. Could I seriously be bringing negative things into my own life? Apparently so! According to the book "The Secret" we have a magnetic power emitted through our thoughts. We actually attract  those things that we think about the most!!It's called the law of attraction. I'm sure you're heard of it by now. So, if we're thinking positive thoughts, we will eventually see those things manifest in our lives. And unfortunately, if we continuously think negative thoughts (whether intentional or not), those things will manifest in our lives as well. Another point to mention: Also in the book, I learned that the only reason we don't have the things that we want in life is because WE FOCUS ON THE THINGS THAT WE DON'T WANT MORE THAN WE FOCUS ON THE THINGS THAT WE DO WANT! Again, I'm no guru at anything, but I do believe in the law of attraction. This is why I try to minimize the drama in my life. If you have people in your life that don't mean you well. Get rid of them. Change the way that you're thinking. If you're going through tough times, think about how great you will feel when things get better. Better yet, act as if they've already gotten better. Whatever you do, be careful of what you think about and your life will change for the better. Whatever we want to happen, focus on that. Don't focus on what we don't want.

For more information on the law of attraction, go pick up your copy of "The Secret". The author is Rhonda Byrne.


Kia said...

That was really good, I really need to put that into my life, maybe that is why not so positive things are taking place in my life, I really really need to change the way that I think.

@FABMOMCLT said...

Hey Kia. I can relate. Changing the things we think about is not easy but if we must work on it or they will become our lives. I really believe that. I know you can do it!