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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Laugh A Little

For me, one of the most therapeutic methods of overcoming some of life’s most challenging moments is to laugh (even if it means laughing at myself). Those who know me know that I probably worry more than the average person; however, I can also find humor in almost any situation. Some people take life so serious that they forget to enjoy it! I don’t choose to live my life that way. I want to be happy. Plus laughing makes me feel better. Sometimes I have to find humor in stressful situations in order to overcome them. Even the bible says “a merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones (Proverbs 17:22.)”

Studies also show that there is healing power in humor. According to the website, laughter reduces pain, strengthens the immune function and decreases stress. Laughter also has positive impacts on our intellectual and emotional health. It helps us to overcome fear (true for me), it triggers our creativity and enables us to take ourselves less seriously and just have a good ole time.

It’s also good to surround ourselves with people that have similar senses of humor and those who feed our spirits with laughter and positivity. Life is so much better when we can SMILE :0)