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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Mid-Year Resolutions

So today marks the second half of the year. Only 6 more months before this year is over. Wow, time has surely flown. By this time of the year, most of our yearly goals are in place and close to completion.......except if you're me!! At the end of last year, I identified (notice I didn't say "I set") goals that I wanted to achieve this year. Have I achieved them so far? No!!! Have I even initiated these goals? Not quite. I realize that in order to be successful, I need to start setting goals and working on them consistently. I've been too comfortable and wasting time. Below is a list of five goals that I want to accomplish before the end of the year. Writing goals down and making them visible increases our chances of actually working on them. So, once I post these, I'm going to print them and place them on my VISION BOARD!

  1. Network, Network, Network- As suggested by  , networking is vital to building a successful blog and brand. So my plan is to step out of my comfort zone and get to networking.
  2. Attend at least 3 blogging events-If not in person, then perhaps on blog radio.
  3. Planning and research for my business- I am currently in the research and planning stage of my business (more to share on that later.) By the end of the year, I hope to be closer to having a name for the business, knowing my target audience and an idea of a location.
  4. Organize-One of my biggest challenges is organization. From paying bills to returning phone calls to scheduling and keeping appointments, I am the worst when it comes to organization. I have to get better at this. I honestly believe that once I am more organized, I will be able to spend more time on the blog and make some major improvements of it.
  5. Live a fuller life-This goes without speaking. In the past few years, I have lived my life in fear. Fear of being rejected. Fear of being hurt and fear of failure. I have made a committment to make the most of my life; becoming spirtually in tuned, trying new experiences, traveling more and stepping outside of the box.
These are just a few of the goals that I would like to achieve. There's only five, but they are definitely attainable and something that I feel I can/should achieve before the end of the year. How have you done with your goals this year? Have you met your goals and how did you stay on track?